Interview Feature on VoyageLA: CHECK OUT GREG SIMKINS’S STORY

Photo credit to Brent Broza

Today we’d like to introduce you to Greg Simkins.

Hi Greg, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I am an artist creating paintings for various museums, galleries, private commissions and licensing projects around the world. The name “Craola” is my graffiti name which I took on in 1992 when I began my journey. I later transitioned what I was learning on walls and from crew members onto canvases with acrylic paint and slipped nicely into the “Pop-Surrealism” movement. I have worked in the streetwear, fashion industry as well as in video games for Treyarch/Activision on such titles as Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2x and a variety of the Spiderman video games.